Ortho Baltic team at the OST event
2017-10-30October 20-21 the team of Ortho Baltic sales participated in the OST or ORTHOPÄDIE SCHUH TECHNIK (Köln, Germany), which is the only specialized trade fair for the orthopedic shoe technology industry in Europe. The trade fair, the congress and the seminars are aimed at the owners of orthopedic shoe technological companies and at their staff, schools and junior employees as well as manufacturers and dealers from this area.
This year 175 manufacturers from more than ten different countries presented their products and services.
During two days the event attracted nearly 4000 visitors.
Ortho Baltic booth received much attention, especially for the new designs of the custom-made orthopedic footwear and 3D printed products. The booth team made new contacts and strenghtened relations with the current ones.
The OST takes place every two years, so it is already planned for the 2019.