Ortho baltic
Welcome to Ortho Baltic! We develop & produce high quality custom-made products for foot with focus on individual orthopaedic footwear and pre-preg orthoses
Web-based 3D modeling system for shoe lasts and insoles Try it
tho Baltic participated at the ORTHOPÄDIE SCHUH TECHNIK (OST) trade fair in Köln, Germany in October of 2019.
More than 4000 visitors from 40 countries came to Cologne. The OST event showed the entire broad offer spectrum for orthopedic shoe technology: materials, machine equipment and workshop furnishings, new technologies such as CAD/CAM, aids and appliances such as orthotics, orthoses and compression stockings, products for podiatry.
Ortho Baltic team presented custom-made orthopeadic footwear and 3D printed products,-prosthetic covers and insoles. It was great to meet our customers and new people from the industry. Looking forward to the next OST event!